Court Ordered Diversion


Court Ordered Treatment
BestLINKS US: Missouri Drug rehab example court program
Here's an example of a private court-ordered DIVERSION treatment program that might be assigned by a DUI judge in lieu of jail.. This MIGHT be a fair clue to what DUI treatment is like where YOU live!

This example is a privately owned counseling network of offices that has state supervised screeners who require you (at a $375 fee) to fill out personal questionnaires admitting to committing DUI's and certain other offenses/and admit to behaviors and prior treatments.

While you sign a privacy statement subscribing to medical HIPPA regulations, they do share information with the state Mental Health Department, including any admissions you volunteer. Your lawyer may suggest you not volunteer all your sins on this questionnaire.

BestLINKS US: Missouri Drug rehab example court program

From your written questionnaire, you might be assigned a 'level' of treatment from a few weeks up to 90- day required weekly treatments. They are not negotiable, unless you hire a lawyer to protest their decisions. They can be somewhat subjective depending on the screener. Here, self-admitting prior alcohol treatment automatically puts you to a 90 day level. Some courts require longer counseling sessions for multiple DUI history and longer periods being unable to drive. You pay what amounts to $65 an hour for individual and supervised group therapy sessions lasting 2-4 hours.

Group Therapy

"Group therapy," under direction of a counselor, is with other DUI offenders talking about their own struggles--much like Alcoholic Anonymous' model of  all the drunks admitting how they became drunks and the bad things that have happened to them while drinking.

Counselors are often recovering alcoholics or addicts, too. but they've usually had some rehab class training. They enlighten you about quitting, fighting relapses, and offering tools you need to stop drinking or drugging.   

Expect them to strongly suggest you start attending AA meetings and finding a sponsor to mentor you as you recover from your disease. (File photo at the right is from a Chicago treatment center)

If you really aren't an addict, the treatment is still a good way to help you avoid becoming one.  Let's face it, most people don't start drinking with the intention to become addicted.

Who pays for treatment?

Court ordered treatment cost is based on your income. Your state may subsidize some of their court-ordered required fees, which can top out at about $1600.

There is little doubt you are part of the justice system when you go to court-ordered treatment. Some counselors are friendly and laid back.   Other less-friendly ones will seem more like rule-oriented law enforcement workers--in part because they know drunks tend to be irresponsible, frequently lie about their whereabouts, and sneaky about continuing to drink or use.

. Some centers let you choose a different center or counselor to go to.    If your license is suspended, the state will be inflexible about a provisional license or shortening your treatment sentence.

Without an extension, you'll need a taxi, Uber, a bus ride or friends to get you to and from classes. So get started right away to comply.

Do NOT drive when your license is suspended!

You will NOT want to drive on a suspended license because state penalties for being caught driving while suspended are harsh. 

And you will NOT want to drink alcohol during your treatment because treatment centers are permitted to test you with breath or urine methods anytime and frequently. They are basically 'officers of the court' and court-ordered-counselors and probation officers are known to be strict.   If you test 'dirty' count on the judge hearing about it.   And expect your rehab 'sentence' to be extended along with the number of times you have to "drop" (slang for more frequent weekly tests.)

Does treatment work?

Successful drug/alcohol counseling depends on the personal skill of individual counselors themselves, the program course, and especially, your willingness to get help, get clean, and begin the road to sobriety. 

 It's not easy for addicts and alcoholics to change their ways with (or without) help. More than a few have attended treatment only to end up being arrested once or more times afterwards!

Some treatment programs offer you only ONE counselor; others will give you several rotating staff members to provide varied presentation styles, but this program relies on only one staff member to do all your counseling . The continuity of ONE can be good--or not so much, depending on your counselor's effectiveness and demeanor. YOU affect your success too, like any tardiness to meetings, coming in sober, passing blood or breath tests, and your attitude!

Moreover, you can do this hard task to quit a bad habit (or overcome your chronic disease) You can learn, enjoy the friendship with others, or just watch the clock until your sessions have ended--often only to go through it again.

Didn't get the Message? You'll pay!

Often, first time offenders meeting "The man" in court can get it the first time and never DUI again. Those with the chronic disease of alcoholism will find it follows them when applying for jobs, or keeping access to their children.Worse, it leads to poor health and even death due to organ failure.

Look at your DUI as the perfect chance to get clean and under control to turn your life around!

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