Finding a rewarding career and the get you there.
Find out what schooling is needed to prepare for your chosen career. In math and sciences, take advanced high school math and science courses, and choose a related college major to help you prepare. Expect you'll start a job near the bottom but with the right education, and skills, you may advance quickly.
High school provides only life basics. A diploma with no skill training afterwards is a key to lower-paying jobs. Trade schools and certain college degrees provide the "hands on" skills which mean more salary and better opportunities.
Finish Your Diploma dot Org
Einter your ZIPCODE toind sources where you live to finish your high school diploma no matter your age!
Kids need more FOCUS from parents but especially schools.
People in the work world know well the difference between being POOR and being COMFORTABLE with their paychecks is EDUCATION and SKILLS. Many people say schools aren't doing enough to make sure kids understand that what they do between ages 15 and 25 will mean a million dollars difference in their lifetime earnings.
Some trade schools will take your money but won't train you well enough to be job ready. Some college degrees don't convert to careers--like ethics, minority studies and English Literature. Shop around. Ask personnel directors what advanced schooling is best to get hired. And make sure there are enough job openings in your chosen career to land one. And make sure salaries will meet your needs as well as easily cover your tuition. Expect salaries to start near the bottom to get most of your training on the job. Your salary will pay what you're skills are worth to your employer.
Study your advanced coursework or apprenticeship and make your part-time jobs are in a related field--not fast food-- so your early resumes show "Education and Related Work Experience." You may want several resume versions to highlight skills for different jobs you're applying for.
Remember, resumes only get you the INTERVIEW--not the job. Practice. Dress well. Go on some interviews to get more confident and understand what they ask.
What's happened to the RETAIL jobs?
The answer is how BUSINESS has changed the way companies make and sell goods. They're cutting human labor jobs out wherever possible.
This tells why HIGH SCHOOL isn't enough for you to live well.
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Education Links
Click here for links to preschool, public schools,
college and trade schools, and education reform Here is a link to how public, private, and trade schools operate and what it takes to get the skills to make a good living.
Schools and Skill Training Getting ready for the world of work
Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM education)
Bring back Home Ec Classes
Some people think public schools should bring basic life skills back to middle and high schoolers. Topics might be much more than cooking and sewing traditionally offered only to girls. Examples all of us need include: healthy eating and meal prep, laundry, shopping, house cleaning, light repairs, choosing contactors, car buying and light repairs, home budgeting, banking, first aid, eldercare, parenting, medical skills, even getting along with each other. What happened to drivers ed? And critical thinking skills to learn fact vs opinion in the media. These are topics that should be integrated throughout students' years.
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