Mens issues


Issues specifically for men and boys - BestLINKS US AskMen  FB
Best Links US
Being a good dad

Men's issues:  SEX THERAPY

All Pro Dad
tips and stories about being dad

Art of Manliness
longtime popular mens website

Manly Tips for Bachelor Living
Cooking, household, code of manhood

Fixing Relationships:

Peace and Quiet
A major BestLinks discussion here.  Ways for finding calm, reducing stress, raising kids, fixing marriages and dealing with mental health.
And you thought you were Open Minded!

Man telligence
Nother man telling how to be studly

Classic Cars for Sale FB

Vintage Everyday
cars and and old photos
Ace Pilots
For Airplane Lovers

War History

Online Photos
Top 10 Links  Everything, sorted

Retronaut  FB  
Lifestyle, tricks, our cultural history

Political ACTIVISM

This is an important election on November 5th... some call it ROEvember 5th.   Here is a list of well over a hundred links (News, Progressive, and Conservative web, facebook and Twitter pages wher eyou can keep up on this critical election that has our very democracy at risk.   Just read, or participate in these groups.   This is a rare and comprehensive list and if you want to help your nation, make good use of it.

Click this link to see the 
BOOKMARK/FAVORITES file, which you can import into your browser program or just open this bookmark file in your browser and PRESS the SMALL STAR on the address line to save it in your favorites.   It will not disturb other favorites you have already created.   You may wish to copy this link on your OWN Facebook page to share it with your activist friends.

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