Computers for Dummies
This page offers you overviews of how computers work, what the terms mean (like the often misunderstood difference between memory and storage space). Also tips on Internet connections, speeding up your sluggish computer, viruses and various Windows operating systems. And some links to help you with your Apple devices too!

Wrong UID's and Passwords updating your apps in Apple Store. If you don't have an old id access in Apple Store to update certain applications, delete the offending app and RE-Install it under the Apple STORE ID and password you normally use. (recommended it be identical to your Apple ID.)

iPhone Apps Spying on You
How to Geek presents toys to buy and give to your ipad friends
Smart Phones vs Smart KIDs
The Play Outside Generations vs the phone Generations
a Videocast suggesting we quit using kids iPads to keep them quiet at home and schools to quit letting kids bring them to school where they're constantly distracted from classwork to check their messages every 5 minutes.
The Play Outside Generations vs the phone Generations
a Videocast suggesting we quit using kids iPads to keep them quiet at home and schools to quit letting kids bring them to school where they're constantly distracted from classwork to check their messages every 5 minutes.
Text too small on your iPhone or iPad?
Goto: "Settings." Goto: "Display & Brightness." Goto: "Text Size." Slide the slider to the right, halfway or nearly all the way. Optionally turn on "Bold Text."
Goto: "Settings." Goto: "Display & Brightness." Goto: "Text Size." Slide the slider to the right, halfway or nearly all the way. Optionally turn on "Bold Text."
Video- what it does linking your pc to Apple devices
IPHONE's HEIC or PC's JPG photo formats
Switching your IPHONE to shoot photos in JPG format instead of Apple's HEIC format. JPG works best when saving pictures on PC's. Read more.
How to Geek Newsletter
1-hand thumbboard, drag & drop, more you're probably not using!

An Android device is a mobile computer that runs on the Android operating system. Android is an array of software intended for mobile devices that features an operating system, core applications and middleware. An Android device may be a smartphone, tablet PC, e-book reader or any type of mobile device that requires an OS.
More on this from Techopedia...
Lifewire offers these tips.
Internet WIFI nightmares
Home Networking
AT&T's Speed Test
Home Networking
AT&T's Speed Test
Test your internet speed on all your PC or mobile devices. Copy this "Must Have" utility to all your devices. There are many brands. Google to choose a different one if you want.

Online Articles
Saving Battery life - settings turnoffs
Smart News
Downloadable mobile app to get news.

Phone Scoop Phone Carriers
Phone Brands Forums
The Last TIP: Keep your device's Windows or Apple OS (Operating System) up to date! And on Wednesday nights, leave your computer on all night when Microsoft usually pushes down their software repairs (which they now call "Feature Updates"), don't put it off!

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