Health and Medical

BestLINKS US: Health and Medical links for all ages BestlinksUS

Click to read Medical Stories
Public health, nutrition, disease, health care advice, and news 

American Medical Assn
A major organization of US Doctors

Axios Medical News
Health Care New, Fresh Stories

EIN   Everyone's Industry News NEWSWIRE

Many links to health care developments

Institute for Healthcare
Improvement  FB (Fb means Facebook)

Viruses, Pandemics, Immunizations

Centers for Disease Control  
Many medical pages below:
Answers here from the Government:

Corona Virus Help from Silver Sneakers
Advice for People over age 65

Diet, Good-Unhealthy FOODS


 High Fructose Corn Syrup Making you Fat!

TheJeansFit   on High Fructose Corn Syrup:  Good/bad foods

  • LiveStrong - My Plate: Track what you're eating and how much you're exercising; you can also get free recipes and weight loss tips here.
  • FitdayStart your own free diet journal here, and track your daily food, exercise, weight loss, and fitness goals.
  • SparkPeople: A completely free personalized diet and healthy lifestyle

Men's Health

Foods to eat and avoid for Prostate Cancer affecting 1 in 8 older men

Men's Health Cures
a blog containing ads plus great health information   
Bubbly Urine     Erectile Dysfunction

Prostate Pro Help    Probiotics, foods, cancer Symptoms

YES! right here! Detailed BestLink pages about drink and drug addictions, AA, NA, getting well.

Naltrexone... med to reduce alcohol and drug carvings.
Many programs now prescribe because it works!

 From WikiHOW!  

Medicines and Drugs

all about prescription drugs  

Main webpage of Medicare

Retired Persons  AARP

AARP is a large membership organization of millions of members 
who lobby for elderly issues, provide certain services and
 a magazine/website for their interests. 

   A popular section is AARP's Health Care Menu with many 
articles on it.  Common problems for the elderly is chronic pain. 

Kids and Family Care

An AAFP publication

Family Doctor  Eldercare: Dementia
Dementia, a condition affecting over three million individuals annually in the United States, remains a significant medical challenge as a cure continues to elude us. Despite this, hope is not lost. A range of treatments, including medications and therapeutic approaches, are available to enhance the quality of life for those living with dementia, effectively slowing its progression. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, but it still presents its own distinct symptoms. 
10 Signs of Dementia - diminishing mental capacity in older people From

Studies show its okay for kids to get dirty sometimes because their bodies
 can learn not to be too allergic to their world!

Diet, picky eaters, eating disorders, more

Crash Course Series  FB
You Tube videos on various topics
Courses especially for young people

Everything about you!

Skin rashes, Liver, Diabetes, Cancer, Fitness
Diabetes, Nutrition, and more

Many topics all parts of the body and issues
Relationships, heart, digestive, eyes, skin, children, drugs, respiration, more

Mental Health

Mental Health survival, controlling stress and anxiety,
 mental health disorders in children and adults

General Health Tips

How Stuff Works
Practical Health Tips

Very Well Tips
 Family     Health  

General interesting health articles

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Progressive pages for your feedback on issues.
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